
  • Tempo blocks in long runs: how, why, and how long?

    Tempo blocks in long runs: how, why, and how long?

    I’m now four weeks into my training plan for the Leiden Half Marathon. After receiving some feedback on my plan, I came across the concept of tempo blocks in long runs. Last Sunday, I added a tempo block to my long run, but it was completely random and probably not the most effective approach. That’s why I decided to do some research into the benefits of tempo blocks.

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  • Running and Weight Loss: Does It Work?

    Running and Weight Loss: Does It Work?

    I often see claims online that running is not the best way to lose weight. Honestly, this bothers me—people acting like they have all the answers. Personally, I’ve lost about 25 kilograms thanks to running. Every story is different, but this is mine.

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  • Starting to Run: From 0 to 5 Kilometers

    Starting to Run: From 0 to 5 Kilometers

    Running is an accessible and effective way to improve your fitness, reduce stress, and develop a healthier lifestyle. Whether you’re a complete beginner or getting back into running after a break, building up your mileage requires a smart approach. In this blog, you’ll learn how to start running safely and effectively, following a training plan to go from 0 to 5 kilometers.

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